Your Butler Valet Team
About Us
Two brothers, college students at the time, worked together managing the valets for one of Seattle’s iconic seafood restaurants. Not only did Stuart and Jeremy manage the valets for Ray’s Boathouse but they also bused and waited tables to make ends meet. They loved working at Ray’s. It always had great food, a great view and great energy created by the regulars, the tourists and the crew. They couldn't have asked for a better job than spending time greeting guests and running for cars on a gorgeous summer day. The rainy days the Pacific Northwest is known for weren’t so bad either.
In the Fall of 1994, the management of Ray’s approached the Butler boys and told them that they had made the difficult decision to no longer have valets as part of their crew but would rather be accepting proposals from local companies to manage the parking. Stuart and Jeremy loved their valet jobs so they quickly scrambled to create a company, a competitive proposal and within 30 days Butler Valet was born. What a blessing that one decision made by Ray’s has been!